The 500 years of the Portuguese “Cancioneiro Geral”

This year is celebrated the 5th centenary of the printed edition of the Portuguese Cancioneiro Geral (General Songbook), compiled by Garcia de Resende, who was responsible, in 1516, for the edition of the 1st printed poetry collection in Portugal. This work gathers most of the Portuguese literary poetry produced between the end of the medieval period and the early classical era.

More than two hundred poets are represented in this work, and among them is Garcia de Resende himself, with his famous Trovas à morte de Inês de Castro (Poetry songs to the death of Inês de Castro).

Garcia de Resende (c.1470-1536) was a poet, historiographer, editor, musician and singer. He served King John II as private secretary, and later King D. Manuel. He also attended the Portuguese Crown court and it was in this context that he compiled the General Songbook, published in 1516. He also wrote “Vida e Feitos de D. João II” (1545) – on the life and actions of the Portuguese King and a “Miscelânea e Variedades Históricas” (1554). He is also the main character of the novel by Fernando Campos “A Sala das Perguntas” (1998).

The ABM catalogue has several editions of the “Cancioneiro Geral”, in which we highlight:

RESENDE, Garcia de – Cancioneiro geral. Nova edição. Lisboa: Centro do Livro Brasileiro, 1973. 5 v.
RESENDE, Garcia de – Cancioneiro geral. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Românicos, 1974. 2 v.
RESENDE, Garcia de – Cancioneiro geral. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, imp. 1990-. 2 v.