First photograph files available online

Throughout 2017, the Arquivo Regional e Biblioteca Pública da Madeira (ABM) will make available to the general public photographs/images belonging of the Photographia Museu Vicentes, collection, which have been treated and inventoried, pursuing the goal of providing to all access to a unique collection. In March, two archives will be available:

By the end of April: the Aluízio César de Bettencourt Fund (1838-1895) and part of the collodion negatives on glass plates of the “Photographia Vicente” Fund (VIC).
Until the end of the year, all collodion negatives on glass plates and the studio images dated between 1885 and 1910 of the VIC Fund, will also be available to all, as well as the negatives on glass plates from the “Perestrelos Photografos” Fund (PER) and mostly allusive to landscapes.